Monday, December 21, 2009

Amazing New Strategy to Create Business

We just got back from St. Thomas and had an amazing time. Nothing like a little 85 degree weather to get you completely rejuvenated. While we were gone we sold 2 of ours deals and have another investor interested in the other 2. It seems like when we go out of town, business explodes. Murphy's Law never seems to fail. The best part of the trip was that we thought we were going to have Internet and email, but when we arrived we had no Verizon signal. We checked our email twice while there (on the resorts dinosaur of a computer, I think it was actually dial-up) and had no phone service. We got back Thursday night, sorted through all the messages, wrote the contracts and now have decided to leave again.
I just booked 4 nights in Panama City Beach for Christmas weekend and then booked 3 nights in Myrtle Beach for New Year's weekend. I know we'll have phone and Internet in those places, I pray for the same results. It never seems to fail. We get so busy when we go away. I told Christa that we need to commit to going away on short trips more. So that's what we are doing.
With Real Estate investing, all you need are deals. Once you are in control of the deal, all you have to do is market it. You can market it from pretty much anywhere in the world. You can even sell it from anywhere in the world. The attorney closing these deals has my wire information and we can sign the docs via email and overnight them back. We don't even attend closings anymore. The 2 deals we made are closing on 12/30, we'll actually be in town on that day, but I still won't go to the closing. I'd rather print the docs and overnight them back, then check my bank account from the comfort of home.
Working smarter beats working harder any day! Christa and I both work very hard and are dedicated to doing the best we can, but there's no need to reinvent the wheel and make life any more difficult and stressful than it already is. For the rest of the day today, I'm looking at the kids 2010-11 school calendar and planning all the 3 and 4 day weekend trips I can. My goal next year is to travel every opportunity we have. There's something about being out of town that just feels good. When you're making money at the same time, it feels GREAT!
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. My next post will probably be from Myrtle Beach in 2010!

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