Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I'm in Atlanta, but my mind is in St. Thomas!!

I just sat down trying to figure out what to blog about today, but can't seem to get my mind off the weather. Today is cold and rainy in Atlanta and I cannot wait to get on a plane on Sunday and fly to St. Thomas. There's nothing like the beach and I definitely need it. I'm recovering from Bronchitis which has since been diagnosed Pneumonia and need some sunny warm weather.

I really appreciate being able to take trips like this. Real Estate Investing has been a Blessing to my family. It's been rewarding financially and personally in that it allows me to travel freely without being tied down to a 9-5 job. My goal is to get out of town with the wife and kids every 5-6 weeks or so. It doesn't matter how long the trip is, it's always good to be able to just pick up and go. Last weekend we went to Pigeon Forge, TN to see the Christmas lights and shows at Dollywood. We ended up getting snowed into our cabin and just had an amazing time with the kids sledding and having snowball fights. Fortunately the cabin didn't lose power and we had heat, food, Internet, even a hot tub and a pool table. The cabin was amazing, I couldn't imagine being "stuck" any place better. We didn't make it to Dollywood, but it was a fantastic trip regardless. We're unpacking the cold weather gear and digging out the beach gear.

The best part of getting away is that we still were able to check messages and email and conduct our Real Estate business. It doesn't matter if we're home or in Orlando or in St. Thomas, we can work from anywhere. All I need is Internet access and I'm home free. There's not many resorts around that don't offer Internet access. Being in this business allows me the freedom to set my own schedule and earn the money my family deserves.

Even when I'm home I sometimes feel like I'm on vacation. Let's look at what I have done so far today. Today, I woke up, got the kids out the door for the bus at 7:35, had some quiet time reading Scripture with my coffee. I then checked email, posted some Tweets and was at the kids school by 11 to read to my son's first grade class. I had lunch with my second grade daughter then went to Chile's with my wife (I don't really eat lunch with my daughter, just sit and talk to her while she eats). I got back home around 2:30, checked the mail and am now writing this blog post. It's 3:37, the bus just pulled up so the kids are home. They'll sit down, do their homework and then I'll do something with each of them. I think Preston wants to put together another one of the Star Wars Lego's he got for his birthday, not sure what Peyton wants to do. After that, we're having my parents and Christa's grandparents over for dinner then the wife and I are going to see a movie (I think the new one with Sandra Bullock in it).

I used to get up at 4am to deliver potato chips. My life was scripted by my job. Not anymore! We make more money than we ever have (there are always Real Estate deals in EVERY market) and pretty much work less. I don't see why more people don't do what we do, it boggles my mind. There's nothing holding you back but yourself. Stop making excuses and take your life back.

Go to our website, www.richandchrista.com, check it out. There's a ton of free information there to sift through. Educate yourself and then make a deal. We don't sell anything except deals. Most of the Real Estate "Gurus" sell products, that's how they make their money. We make our money doing the deals they talk about. I'm not going to try and sell you something you do not need. I make money when you make money. The more deals we all do, the more money we all make.

As always, feel free to comment or shoot me an email. I look forward to helping you reach your goals.

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